• Hunt Nation - Don Sangster

    Hunt-Nation is an international hunting and fishing booking agency that works with over 350 different outfitters around the world. We have over 200 years of combined global hunting and fishing experience to serve you, and we have been helping clients find and book their outdoor adventure of a lifetime for close to 20 years. It does not cost you any extra to use our services. In fact, we can sometimes save you money.

    We have offices in the U.S. and Canada (all of which are staffed by full-time adventure consultants), including here in Mississauga, Ontario. My name is Don Sangster and I will be your personal consultant. Please feel free to reach out to me to discuss your fishing or hunting Bucket List.

    To inquire about or book your trip
    contact Don Sangster.

    (416) 988-1562 don@hunt-nation.com