This is an actual accredited course in their high school curriculum. The teacher who works at this high school was able through hard work to get a “Fishing course” recently approved by the school board and was accepted as a legitimate full accredited one year course. There are various components to this 1 year course, including environment, conservation, biological studies etc.
That particular teacher has asked me to give a 2 hour seminar at the high school on “Tournament Bass Fishing in Canada.”
I would like to donate some fishing industry product to these students (17 in all). I was hoping that us anglers could collectively put some (sponsored) products together to give these students.
Please ask your Sponsors to help out........what better way to promote fishing than in our schools!
I will be at the Downtown fishing Club meeting on April 8, 7:00pm at Ice Sports Arena in Oshawa to accept your donations or you can contact me 905-261-7698
Jay Martin
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