Published on 04-01-2013 01:08 PM
Complications from recent neck surgery believed a factor claiming life of famed fishing tackle inventor, angling authority, author and longtime TV host
TAMPA, Fla., -- 4/1/2013 -- Doug Hannon, a legend in the fishing world known as the “Bass Professor” whose unique expertise in a wide range of design skills and academic subjects in and outside of angling, died Thursday at his home in Keystone, a north Tampa suburb.
Hannon was 66.
He recently had neck surgery and was recovering at home said friend Russ Riley, a family spokesman and president of WaveSpin/MicroWave,
Chris Johnston wins AOY
Dave Mercer's Facts of Fishing
O CANADA FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME YOU HAVE A PROGRESSIVE BASSMASTER ANGLER OF THE YEAR AND IT BELONGS TO CHRIS JOHNSTON?Please help me congratulate @chrisjohnstonfishing on making history once again & becoming the first Canadian to win AOY.
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