
Type: Posts; User: Sandy Ferry; Keyword(s):

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  1. I went to this last year with some of the gals...

    I went to this last year with some of the gals from Ontario Women Anglers. Great for newbies!
  2. Thanks to all the terrific speakers. Lots of...

    Thanks to all the terrific speakers. Lots of great info and tips. It's my first season for hard water and I"ll be off to a good start after this.
    The surprise visit from Pete Bowman was a real...
  3. The word has been spread to the "Fishing 101 for...

    The word has been spread to the "Fishing 101 for Women" community. It's perfect timing for our next series of events. Thank you!
  4. Oh, goodie! Much prefer up close and personal...

    Oh, goodie! Much prefer up close and personal than ordering online.
  5. Great seminar. Derek was so informative .Lots of...

    Great seminar. Derek was so informative .Lots of good questions all answered. Particularly enjoyed your 360 vid experience on Erie. I like the back of the boat.
  6. Replies

    I have their label pins. Excellent workmanship.

    I have their label pins. Excellent workmanship.
  7. Great news!

    Great news!
  8. Replies

    Really looking forward to this as I kayak and...

    Really looking forward to this as I kayak and shore fish.
  9. Replies

    RX will always be more costly. I have bifocal...

    RX will always be more costly. I have bifocal Oakleys and they cost me 25% more than my regular rx but were worth every dime. Especially in the low light morning or fog. You should consider the...
Results 1 to 9 of 228
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