
Type: Posts; User: Rob McIntosh; Keyword(s):

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  1. Thread: Hey Rob!

    by Rob McIntosh


    ?LOL Sounds like you had no choice,It's always nice to live with your wife, the longdistance thing only works for a while.Good luck with the fishen and say hello to the better half. Rob P/s keep in...
  2. New west coast bass boy

    Hey STU when did you leave,and are you stayen, and I thought you were not going,missed the wiffy I guess, I know to many ???? good luck out there and keep in touch. Rob
  3. Replies

    Time warp????

    Tom: Stu was a little behind in posting for our club, but Frank will get this updated and I'm sure he will keep it updated . Rob
  4. Congats to new Niag,Bass exec.

    Congrats guys on your new exec.Looking forward to working with you Pete on the joint T's in 2005, also it was great working with Dan & Al in taking the steps of joint T's the sucsess that it is and...
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