Hi Jay

fyi President for the Hawgtown Bassmasters lives in Ajax. He commutes to work and to the Chapter. Talk to Courtenay Reid. I believe he is on BFB. Who knows he might make make some sort of arrangements with you to travel? he is a great person and very good at helping new people feel welcomed. (I will send you a u2u with his contact email.)

I would rather see someone go to a location or club that they would feel comfortable with and closer to their home. Given your in Ajax there is the Downtown Bass Anglers (sorry if I messed up the name) they are listed under clubs here on BFB. There is also the Port Perry Bassmasters. They meet fairly close to Ajax area as well.

There are a number of clubs popping up all the time. I know that there is a very small club in Ajax as well, they have been meeting monthly somewhere off of Harwood and number 2 that will be under the OBF at some point. But try Downtown (no affialiation to BASS, still a good bunch of guys), Hawgtown Bassmasters or Port Perry Bassmasters.

If you need help don't hesitate to contact myself or anyone else that is listed under any of the club forums anytime.


Kenneth Hamilton
Ontario B.A.S.S. Federation