Wayne with your last sentence... FYI in some cases your insurance only covers you and the boat... not your partner's "actions." Some people may not be aware of this little point. (all policies are different) So if your partner does anything wrong... your covered - they are not. But you will also be named / sued! (Club insurance / Tournament insurance helps.)

For all those that have ever belly ached about tournaments in this province, know this, there is a very large insurance cost to cover all circuits, from their equipment to the staff.

Insurance is not cheap! Be aware of what your covered with. And be sure that the circuit is actually paying the providers! its easy to ask for the certificate for that event. In cases, some may have just one certificate with a beginning date and ending date.

This is just an example: When the OBF runs any large event, Qualifier, 6 Man or Casting Kids Finals, (or if a specific chapter needs to provide it to the city, location) we have the certificate with us at all times. (It will even name the event, location and the specific dates.)

I know of one organization that said they paid, they never did... They were lucky that no one ever got hurt during the course of the year!

Final thought to really consider, if your hosting a meeting in a local pub / school where ever... the roof falls in, or there's a fire, something... your hurt... etc. Your family decides to sue for damages... and your club is not covered...! be aware that they will go after the club, and the board of that club. Being a volunteer these days costs!

I'm a Leader with Scouts Canada as well. You would be surprized by the costs to cover and have insurance in place. Each event and detail is planned out weeks in advance at times to make sure everyone is covered. Last year for a child to belong to Scouts Canada, $135.00 (approx) yes some went to help pay for the materials over the course of the year... but a huge portion is for insurance.

all this is food for thought!