To those who participated in the Open this past weekend, we should all take time to thank some of the people that made an extra effort in providing an excellent event.

Some of the people I wish to thank are;

Tony Rotolo - Team Xtreme Marine
Tony took the time to come to the event and fix alot of boats, motors and everything else he could.... He kept alot of boats on the water including a quick fix on Barry Graves jack plate which could have kept me (and Barry) off the water on Saturday. Thanks Tony you are the man!

Andy, Vita and Team CSFL - Another great event and the personal touch you add is appreciated!

Danny Dunn - Thanks for the ride during the three day pre-fish. The friendship, advice and laughs made it all worthwhile.

Mike Nabulsi - Cory Johnston - Barry Graves
These were my three Pro's... I appreciate the time on the water, the knowledge and experience gained and a safe ride back every day!

Jack Summers