it doesn't have so much to do with guys making excuses glen, sorry to burst your bubble. its actually based more on actual fact, and that is when the lake is open if your not running at least a 20 ft boat(for safty when the wind picks up) then its not even a choice stay home. When the lake is open any boat that fishes the bay is out of the running, which leaves only the boats that decided to make the 300$ boat ride. So its actually just a "smoke screen" because although some clowns might think you can compete in the bay ...on your best day 21-22 pounds of largies doesnt hold a stick to the 30 guys who ran to the lake and rounded up 22-27 pounds of smallies. That's why i stay home when the lake is open, if i wanted to fish lake ontario i would enter a lake ontario tournament. that being said, running a event closer to the lake would make for a better turn out as smaller boats would not have to think about if they can make the run to the lake (thus keeping them competitive)...... personally i love this series i hope to see it keep growing! been fishing it for a few years now and i will be for years to come!