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Thread: CFTF new clubs ?

  1. #16
    Member Don S's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    J.P. so this year were getting the OFAH at no cost because we paid for it last year and didnt get it
    and Outdoor Canada we get as part of the CFTF fees for this coming year ?
    You mentioned earlier that the club fee is 80.00, is that the price for new members or for current members that didnt get the magazine ?
    Or are current members only getting the OFAH magazine ?

    The attendance part again comes back to the executives job, I heard that the elections were last month during the snow we had, usually the executive sends out a reminder for meeting and what the agenda is going to be, if that had been done attendance would probably have been up, of the guys I've spoken to nobody had any idea about the elections, all we knew is that Dan Carraro was supposed to show up and talk, considering the weather nobody thought he would make the drive......GOOD JOB DAN
    I think that most guys dont want to be on the executive because it takes to much time and ultimately its a waste of time because of lack of member participation in events.

    Remember I was on the executive last year, so I dont know WHO your refering to about "STEPPING UP" .
    In my opinion, 95% of the guys want to meet, talk fishing or go fishing, have a beer with friends and get what they pay for !
    A prime example was the event we had with Rocky Crawford and Pete Bowman last year, a club event and we had almost no attendance by members........alot of guys were crappie fishing including you !J

    J.P. were getting way off topic anyways.........part of the reason for my post on this topic was because I've been getting emails concerning guys who have questions about the CFTF format.
    Randy, Peter and Myself have all given out positions up on the executive of our club and emails "APPARENTLY" havent been returned by other members answering questions.

    Questions include: membership cost, what you receive, qualifing tournament format, do you get a spot in the Ontario Place Open or The Canadian Open, and the reason for my post.....ANY NEW CLUBS !guys arent going to drive from Belleville to Newmarket.

  2. #17
    Senior Member
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    CFT Simcoe Bass Anglers
    Don, you're correct about the magazine subscriptions. The club fees are $80 for new members, and the reason that we didn't have a send out for the last meeting was because we were lacking a secretary as you may or may not have known.

    As for people interested in the CFTF, all the details are available on the CFT web site. These include what comes with the membership fee, the eligiability for the pro am entries, and so on and so forth.

    As for the new clubs, Dan informed us of a possible 7 new clubs spread over Ontario that are interested in joining in the new year. I'm sure this will take care of a lot of interested parties situated in different areas.

    Hope this helps.
    BTW. Did you notice the nice work on the email sent out by our new secretary? Adam is doing a great job with that, and I'm sure that everyone will be happy with his efforts.


  3. #18
    Member Don S's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    I havent received any emails from Adam ?

    Thanks for some of the info, hopefully some of the questions I've been receiving will be answered during this forum.
    I take it that the winner of the club circuit now receives a spot in the Ontario Place open ? as Paul Kryskow did this year.
    That is another question I've got alot.

    Maybe if your talking to Dan or the CFT you could mention they should post the locations of the new clubs, some of the guys I've been speaking to seem pretty excited about joining a club January 1st, if they dont have a local club they will go with BASS.

  4. #19
    Senior Member
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    CFT Simcoe Bass Anglers
    As for the spot in the Open, it will be up to the winning anglers which open they wish to fish. This was agreed upon after the realization that for an eastern club, Ontario place will be more convenient, also St. Clair will be more convenient for the western based clubs, also some anglers may know one body of water better than another. I give Dan credit for being so open with such a generous prize.

    The new clubs are not confirmed yet, they are in the works, so it makes absolutley no sense to post their locations untill it happens. There also should be no rule that you are either BASS or CFT. People can join both if they wish, as I'm sure many will. If you fish more than one series, why not be a part of more than one club? It's a great excuse to get out and drink some beer with the boys more often.

  5. #20
    Member Don S's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    I agree, it sure doesnt hurt to be members of both, but for new guys joining, one club is a big

    hopefully these other clubs will occur soon so guys will have an option in January.

    are you going for wings and beer J.P. ??

    your treat right ??

  6. #21
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2003
    CFT Simcoe Bass Anglers
    I'm the one with the cheques, so I guess yes to both questions

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