Hey Chris,

I too wondered the same thing - but as I understand it, one of the biggest challenges the manufacturer had when developing the product; was to find a material that protect the fish without disturbing their protective slime-coat. Again, after using the bags and looking at their condition just before release out of the bags - I'd say these bags don;t bother them at all. In fact - I've had fish not actually "IN" the bags but in the livewell "amongst" other bags(some with fish in them and some empty(this is often the case in my club tournaments where each angler is keeping his own 4 or 5 fish) - and just being between bags seemed to show similar effects on them - they stayed between the bags - didn;t thrash around and seemed happy as clams?! Pretty cool...

I would recomend though - that a small handful of un-ionized salt in your well is always a good idea, Glorybags or no Glorybags. It aids in the replenishment and production of fish-slime - and offers the fish in your well a natural guard against minor infection too.

Frank - you'll love this system. Its been around for awhile, the guy who showed them to me a few years ago said he had to coerse a guy to show and explain "those weird bags" to him at an FLW tournament. The guy said their are pros down there using them and NOT telling other competitors about them cause they believe they have an advantage over those not using them... after a win last summer by 6 one-hundreths of a pound - I'm a believer too!

later .......... G!