I have followed these discussions many times and I cannot believe how many opinions are expressed with no research into the simple facts.

We all know that Ted Wiehler is one of the Top Bass disciples, and all his thoughts are totally exceptable from his perspective. But lets really look into this with more sound data.

You say that the entry is more affordable at $175.00, with no membership. You are absolutley CORRECT. You say the fields are full, you are CORRECT (most of the time). You say you will be competing against many boats and that may justify more pride and gratification. GREAT! However the real logic is that you are competing against more teams decreasing your chances of winning LESS MONEY. That is simply ridiculous. The real problem here is that these anglers get side tracked by a low entry fee.

The total teams in 9 events in 2004 was (112,79,121,103,109,99,96,107,74) which totals 900 teams or 900 times that low entry of $175 which totals $157,500.

55% of that equals $88,625. Money left is $70,875. Now if he honours the Classic paybacks on his website which total $37,600 (what were the actual paybacks, obviously not that)
you subtract that value from $70,875 and get $33275. On yeah do not forget that you get charged to go to the Classic at $130 times 75 teams (WOW what an achievement, you represent the top 75% of the field. Just make it 100% and let everyone qualify) equals $9750. Money left over is $33,275 plus $9750 equals
$43,025. Not bad for 9 days of work. That totals $4780 per event for day of work. That is a far from honourable, that is simply an awesome business. Even if you factor the $500 big fish award per event, which totals 9 times 500 which is $4500. Minus that from $43,025 and you get $38,525. Can anyone please tell me what the big fish pay backs were to make that calculation.

$38,525 for nine days equals $4280 per event (divide that by 12 hours of work equals $356 per hour). And what expenses does he have? Please entertain me on this one.

One thing that many of you forget and this is the most important thing of all. You all support this great no bulls__t series and you get about 100 boats per event, WOW. If each team catches thier limit that is 500 fish per event, times 9 equals 4500 fish per year plus about 750 fish at the Classic. A total of 5250 fish that are caught, or at least that much if everyone catches thier limit. How many of those fish will survive in Ted's state of the art live release system. Think really hard on this guys. You said that Ted genuinely cares about the anglers and what they would like to see in the future, how about having fish in the Kawartha Lakes. Would'nt that be nice! Think before you speak and really research topics before you take a stand. Loyalty is one thing but being smoke screened is another. Look at the big picture boys you need fish to fish this sport.

Garnet you said, Ted provides everything that the other 2 do, are you OK Garnet. The CFT provincial title paid over $60,000 in cash and prizes, which is almost 70% of Top Bass' total paybacks (not including the Top Bass Classic). And that is just one event. Garnet you have some points, but you gotta research the facts.

Attila, get a spine. The intent of your original post was pretty obvious don't back out with that poor white flag surrender.

I have fished all three series and I speak based on taking the time to calculate and observe and to say what should be heard once and for all.