Its all about the money! I don't think so! Man! we all talk about winnings, payouts, and percentages! I would like to start a conversation about how much a angler loses by fishing tournaments?. Personally I fish because I enjoy the competition, and love the sport, if I was in it for the money, I would not be fishing tournaments. In my case, even if I win a tournament, I still lose anyways. You figure it out if you fish a few tournament series and have a good paying job? This site should be used as an information tool, not a battle of words. What's the fun with that? We should find new ways to draw new tournament anglers. All the bad talk, who wants to fish tournaments? We all need this sport to grow. Only by positive talk can this be acheived. Make it apealing for new angler to go on this site and become intereset to fish more tournaments. I am a new tournament angler, and its becoming boring to see posts that I really don't learn anything from. The old saying:" if you have nothing good to say don't say anything at all". Take a good look around you? Do you see alot of new faces in the tournament series? Not really! Its a shame to say but I think one of the biggest factors that will help our sport grow will be BassProShops coming into Canada. Eventhough alot of small taclke stores will be affected tremendously! But it can only help the Bass Fishing industry a whole lot! Maybe if our sport reaches the same status as the U.S.A I can quite my job! Take Care! Till next time!