wooden shoe, wooden head, wouldn't listen.
man this is getting old . for the guys doing all the bitching about Top Bass, you don't even fish it, so no one gives a damn about your opinion. on the other hand, when guys get lipping off in here about Top Bass, it says one thing to me, Ted has had the best fields and is still topping the rest, sounds to me like Ted is making the other tournies nervous. " how does he get the fields he gets", you ask, a good businessman never tells his secrets. but year after year , he does, and his following is loyal! hmmm.
but for me personally, i will never do a Bassmania tourny again. Andy lost me 4 years ago at the Pheonix when he started swearing and cursing at us all at the docks during morning check-in. hey, i paid this guy to fish, not to listen to that crap first thing in the morning. as
for Ted, he's personable and treats every angler as an equal.

as for the payout structure, it's not hard to understand.
Ted's payouts are based on what he collects, less his expenses. oh ya, for the guys bitching, if your in business for yourself, you understand that!! EXPENSES!! fuel, insurance, rent,(did you think those municipal properties are free to use, try 500-1000 dollars a day ) staff, meals for the staff, oh ya, and that government thing called GST. so when you guys do those calculations, take that into account, i think you will find your percentages are way off base.

so lets drop this . fish whatever you want and keep the insults quiet.