
In a perfect fishing world, what you stated “It’s our right to fish whatever series we choose” would suffice. But it’s not perfect with people or should I say professional anglers like Bill and Attila, whose real goal is to convert Top Bass anglers and send them to greener pastures, like Bassmaina & CFT “fat chance”.
People like Bill Madison use their smart wit, logic and research to get their points across to us sheep that have fallen into Ted’s trap.
If you go back up a few posts you will see some of Bill’s amazing work, like Ted Wiehler is one of the Top Bass disciples, uh I think you mean Tim Wiehler there Bill.
Bill makes another observation that we are competing against more teams decreasing our chances at winning less money???? I always though the more teams entered the more money there was to be had???
The math question on Ted’s business looks pretty good; my numbers come out around $34,500. But that’s before expenses, when you take all that into consideration Ted’s profit looks more like $18,000. And that’s before the dreaded Tax man. So go right on ahead there Bill start up your own tournament series and make $356. an hour. I would love to be one of your helpers, I might get rich too.
That final bit of research done on how many fish are caught and how many will survive is interesting, so what your saying is you can put fish in your livewells for eight hours, drive around shaking but not stirring these fish is OK, but Ted putting them into four giant livewell tanks for ½ to 45 minutes before releasing them is not?????

Bill if people think there is some thing better out there they will go to it, its not like they don’t know about Bassmaina & CFT, heck most of them have fished both of these series,
Why don’t you let people go about their business and they will let you do the same.