Dear Mr.Madison
This did start out as a question and a genuine question and it was answered in it's entirety, and was happy to offer my "opinion" and facts. Now my name is not Ted Wiehler or (Ted Wieler) but Tim Wiehler. Next you have made a statement about boys getting our facts straight before offering opinions or facts, I assumed that after you went through taking the time to calculate monies received by Ted to fish his tournament that you would have been some what accurate, at assuming the cost of running a tournament series as stated by Larry and others. I too have fished all three series and have enjoyed all of my time on the water at each one of them. How ever you have to concider that not every one has the time nor the income to fish some series or more than one series. That being said we are all doing what we love to do, and that is "fish competitively", doesn't matter where you do it as long as you enjoy it. It's times like this that makes me believe that you and others all take sides or choose or are being forced to choose where your loyalty stands,(all tournament organizers are in this to make some money) when in fact if you asked every angler in every series, there would be an endless number of reasons for why they fish a series. when in fact it's a personal reason for every angler. And slamming one series over another takes us backwards not forward. If we put as much energy into helping to make any series or all series better the sky would be the limit. Instead we sit around talking politics amongst our self accomplishing nothing other then leaving a bad taste in everyones mouth. Tim.