Tips from the Tackle Box VIP Pro/AM have been in the loop with this decision and we commend Quinte Fishing Series position.
Tips from the Tacklebox VIP will also make a change to their venue for 2007 as well. There will be a geographic cut off. Pass the light house in Daulphins Reach there will be no angling allowed during the tournament hours also there will be no entry into the Murray Canal to Lake Ontario. (GPS info will be sent out shortly)
Bascially we have removed big waters from the event.
We have surveyed many pass (52%) Pro Anglers and future particapating Pro Anglers and they have 100% agreed with this new cut off rule.
It is very inportant we also protect the amatuer customer participting on big waters.
All participtes feel this will bring more largemouth Pro Anglers and allow better participation from the amateurs. We also understand at this time of the year smallmouth could be or are still bedding. This should also help protect our fisheries that we are blessed with.
I would say it is a win /win for all
All rules and regulations of this event are governed by the Quinte Fishing Series tournament director Pete Thompson . Pro entry fee will be $265.00 plus GST.
Limited field of 45 Pro Anglers. $6,000.00 plus $1,000.00 first place cash payout.field will be paid to 10th place......... NOT limited to Mercury outboard owners only!
If you have any questions feel free to email me or U2U message
Registration forms and Pro information letter will be posted or request by email 2nd week of December. Sign up early the field as we speak is filling up nicely!

Gary O'Neill / Bob Hunke