It's better we don't post the whole list - right to privacy deal and all that. Just so y'all know, our president Herb Quan is taking all the deposits and entry forms - that's his address you're mailing into. We have been returning emails regularly from those enquiring about whether their entyry has been received. We are asking all those who have just sent in a $50 deposit to also send the reamining $200 in - along with a completed entry form if you haven't done so already ... by the end of this month. This will be the fairest way for all - we didn't want to have the sceneerio where just in case someone decided to eat the $50 deposit that morning and not attend because of bad weather/whatever. That would keep someone else potentially - who's on the waiting list, from fishing that day.
For entry forms- check out our website at or email me at or U2U me.
