The picture of Angela in the flaming BPS touque is the best. My two girls were there to watch the weigh in and thought Angela and Diana was too cool.
love that hat.
good turn out, great venue for the fall.
thanks to Aurora Bassmasters, BPS, Sibald's pt park, and all the corporate sponsor support.
there was a genuine buzz in the morning, great to be a part of.
by my calcs, $7000.00 in the record pot next year. keep up the good work.
congrats to Bob, Jason, Peter, Gaspare,Joey,Mark,Morgan, Jason, Dave and Barry and all the top 10.
way to go Mark, man a 7LBer 1st cast.
Thanks to my partner Johnny-Ray for sharing the day and the ride (still stiff 2 days later)
what we all don't do for the love of catching fish.
