Like I said, I like the concept without the $2000 fee. I just felt that putting a $2000 price tag to enter may deter a lot of clubs that don't have the time, resources, or desire to raise the funds. If that is not there I think more people would be interested. I know that sponsorships are a big part of your club but most clubs are just out to have fun. Putting sponsorship pressure on a club whose mandate is to go out and have fun and be quite happy fishing for their own money would deter almost every other club in the province except your own. There is a big difference between the grass roots bass clubs and tournament circuits.
Much like the WFN if you make the entry fee too big you eliminate 3/4 of the field. A tourney like this should be more about braggin rights than prize money, just like most of our club events.

Andy's attempt was a cross tournament circuit event with the best guys from each tournament circuit. This has never been done at the club level but up until two years ago there weren't as many independant clubs so the OBF qualifier was really the same as what your trying to do.