and a U2U from me

you dont know me and you dont have a clue as to what the guys in Chucks club think or feel about him. It is them who have enough of his crap.

A BIT OF ADVICE ABOUT BEING A BUSSINESSMAN if somehow you feel attacking me is going to help your cause go ahead, but maybe instead of getting involved in the politics of the sport maybe you should stick to pouring baits and trying to get the market of people on both sides of stuff like this.But im sure you feel your far to smart to ever need to heed advice like this, because after all, I only know 2 guys who only know 2 guys who only know 2 guys, well maybe you get the picture, have your wife read this because some times ifyou remove the need for a guy to puff out his chest and act tough words make more sense, or I can do what you did and attack you for having an opinion that is not the same as mine (as you did to me)
Sorry If I have an opinion too Willie. I won't threaten you with such classy response. Chuck did a lot of good no matter what you think. If you can show how you have done as much as him to further fishing, then you might have an arguement.....but then you'd have to give your real name.