What if a record fish has swallowed a jig head and its still in its belly. If the angler hasn't put it in there does it still count? Don't tell me that it isn't possible because I've seen two smallmouth caught in Rice Lake on different days and both were hooked deep and as a result died. Because they died they were kept for the frying pan so they weren't wasted. When they were cleaned, they both had swallowed a tube jig and tube and it was sitting in their belly. Not sure it they had swallowed it after breaking a line or my guess is they picked it up off bottom after a angler had got caught on a rock/zebra mussels and their line broke leaving the bait sitting on the bottom of the lake for a fish to pick up. Not trying to stir the pot but just thought this something that is possoble and wondering what would happen?

On a possitive note best of luck to everyone involved and I'd love to be present when a record was broke. Especially a new Canadian Record Smallie.