Originally posted by donpearce
Mr Gifford, you might want to consider showing a little class when you win an event. Bragging what you culled then pointing out that half the field got skunked(it was removed) shows disrespect. When guys win events they come on and say thank you and that they had a great day. I think the guys that got skunked feel pretty bad and when the winner of the event comes on a popular public form and reminds them and informs others of the day they had, its like rubbing a salty tube in their wound. But should anyone expect anything different from you after the morals you showed last year refusing to return money that you did not win! I feel bad for the second place team because from what I heard you were not supposed to be allowed in the event this year because of your prior actions.
Wow... so when a winning team for a event makes a synopsis of thier day or not they still get slammed? I for one am happy to read how the event champs day went from a spectators point of view and always wonder how many fish they have to go through to acheive a massive weight of 28lbs.. I guess you would rather they just say thank you and not say nothing at all how their day went right? that's why the Bass fishing tournament scene can never be big as down south here in Ontario Canada.. this is the kind of additude thats holding our bass fishing industry back..

Winners holding tips, Winners afraid to express thier proud winnings from comments such as that.. and yes it was very tough out there for most of the field .. i agree with that! But i don't see anything wrong with Howies report on his day.. in fact i'm very happy to see more winners opening up..

as for what they did last year.. i was not there, so i cannot comment.. but that still has nothing to do what they did this year.. they did not cheat, or break any rules.. the officials let them participate in the event this year so whatever problem that they did have was probably solved and should be thier own business..

my 2 cents ...