This is Ridiculous,
I see guys coming on forums bashing Tournaments and yet they are the same ones who cry because there is not enough bigger circuts here. Lack of interest. Andy just had to cancell a Rick Amsbury event, Rob kirk is getting tons of grief from guys before its even posted, Top Bass now is getting bashed. Why dont people just keep quiet. If you have a question instead of going on an open forum, just call the guy running it. I dont fish these but do see all the negative comments from people when its not warranted. i went to the sites and looked at the specs and the payouts. if you cant see the rules and payouts then you need glasses. clearly posted. i fished a top bass event last year and found it to be very well run. lucky to have another circuit running here especially in todays economic downfall. These tournaments are well run and some dont pay as much as others. if you dont like the payouts then dont fish them, but dont geive them negative comments when its not deserved.