Thanks for posting the link Jeff.

First time I saw the video I was really touched. Truly Dr. Bev Scott and Dr. E.J. Crossman are two of the finest fish researchers in the world and they from right here in Canada.

I can't stress to those who view this video how valuable and renowed the book, Freshwater Fishes of Canada, is in the world. It is truly a book for the ages!

My wife and I had the pleasure of having dinner with Dr. Scott, Dr. Crossman and Mrs. Crossman during a conference in Ottawa several years ago. We exchanged stories of sampling fish across Canada. It was great to hear about their adventures across Canada. All in the name of documenting/describing the biology and ecology of Canada's fish species. Dr. Crossman passed away a year after that dinner. My wife and I were truly touched by that experience.

What I loved the most about Dr. Scott and Dr. Crossman, they were both anglers. Through and through! That is what makes the book so compelling. It was written for everyone to use...anglers, biologist, scientists, etc.