I understand that the 25K prize money has been replaced with 2 brand new E-Tec motors which is great to see a major sponsor jumping onboard & providing the motors. I also realize that the motors are worth more than the original prize money as well, which is great. What I would like to know however is if Evinrude is providing the B1 with these two new motors, then what is happening with the 25K in cash from the entry fees? Was that used to pay for part of the motors? Shouldn't the money be incorporated with the motors or dispersed amongst the other pay spots? Just looking for some clarity here as I'm looking forward to fishing the tournament again this year...I'm just not a big fan of surprises or things changing without some notice or asking the anglers who are fishing the tourney what they think about potential changes to prizes, rules, etc...When it comes to tournament fishing cash is always king; at least to most of the guys that I've spoken with or competed against over the years. It's a lot easier to put cash in the bank then trying to deposit a new motor. Don't get me wrong & I'm not coming down on the B1 for getting more sponsors on board, I think it's great for the industry...I'm just looking for some answers that's all..