Thanks everyone, Dave and I appreciate your support.

As Dave and others have mentioned, Georgian Bay smallmouth are "CRAZY". Once hooked, they're in the air, under the boat, around the motor and anywhere else they want to be until they're in the net. When you locate fish, I guarantee your "lipping" thumb will be raw by the end of the day. These fish are "MEAN" and they have "TEETH" !!!!!

Days like this are why we "ALL" fish tournaments. Tournaments you will always remember and can't wait to fish again.

Thanks again Dave for another great day on the water. You are one of the true "PROFESSIONALS" in this sport.

Thank-you Vita and Andy for taking us to this amazing fishery. As Dave mentioned, you introduced us to Georgian Bay!!!!!

In closing, some would say Georgian Bay is too far away. Here's something to think about ....... why have we bought these boats with big price tags, if fish like this aren't worth the drive ??? Spend the extra few bucks, you'll be glad you did !!!!!

Thanks again, Wayne