I will step in and answer this question. But first let me be upfront and say that we, VRX Fishing Products, are the importer for the Canadian market for Motormate. However, although I have an obvious vested interest in how well this product sells, I can honestly say that this is the best motor support on the market.

I used one for the past season on my 225 E-tec and was real impressed with it. This was long before I was approached by Motormate to sell their product here in Canada.

On the technical side - the transom saver has never saved your transom. Although that is what is what called, it's simple purpose was to support you motor in a given tilted position and it did a good job of that. Due the length of it's design it was incapable of solid support and was prone to breaking - I think we all have broken one or two over the years.

The Motormate not only supports your motor and protects your tilt / trim solidly but it also locks your motor into position so it doesn't wiggle back and forth and put stress on your hydraulic steering, etc. So you no longer have to put those little plastic clips on your steering arms either, which prevented the side to side movement of your motor.

The bottom line is that this is a great product and the best in it's market segment. It is made from stainless steel and then powder coated. The pins and springs are also stainless and it comes with a 3 year warranty.

I hope that answers some questions.