Originally posted by MikeAlbanese
Great job CSFL, just a little disappointing that there were so many complainers and so litte turnouts. Goes to show csfl trying to keep everyone happy. Great job Palotta Family and keep up the great efforts. Just my two cents.
It was mentioned in an earlier post from another thread that some fealt the release of this date and location was too far into the season (late August unless I am mistaken) for a lot of guys to be able to get the time off work, book hotel etc. Otherwise I feel like this event would have been well participated!

There's deffinitely numbers in the SW area for sure (TBBA alone draws nearly 70 boats on a consistent basis), but I wonder how many of them are fair weather fisherman? I'd have come out, but my partner for St Clair could only do St Clair due to prior committments. Would have loved to otherwise!