Hey Chris,

Definitly come prepared for both largies and Smallies. While most guys will be on smallies, the largies defintly come into play for some people.

Always have a discussion with your partner the night before, he'll be able to give you an idea of what you need for the day, and that will help you to "cull" down what you need to bring. Most of the boaters, have more than enough stuff in the boat to handle any situation that comes up. Also, most boaters have lots of extra rods if needed. Be honest about your equipment, if we're partners, and you've been running the same line since last year, I want to know, I'll gladly let you use some of my stuff. With lots of $$ on the line it's about controling the variables that we can.. I think I heard some KVD guy say something liek that! ?LOL

Talk to some of the non-boaters that have been there, and they'll give you some better first hand knowledge. Around Ottawa, you can chat with Shane Hoad from OVSB, and/or Lindsay Brown (works p/t at Sail), They'll both fished the Open.

LOL, and maybe pick up a few spinning rods over the winter too.

I usually have a seat open during practice if you're fishing it, drop me a line.
