I don't know if I like the idea of adding 1 fish for greenbacks, everyone has the opportunity to fish for one or the other and you and you alone should have to bear the responsibility of catching your best 5 if you choose to fish for the species that is known to have less #'s of big ones. There shouldn't be special treatment just because your species isn't known to grow as large as the other on the body of water you're fishing.

That being said, what about mandatory mixeed bags? 2 of each and your 3rd is a wildcard?

As for format of events, I think that Team Tourneys seem to be the way to go because there is just so much choice right now. But I think there is a nieche for all formats.

Team Events - Localized / Regional Qualifiers and 1 off annual events (IE BPS Open & B1 etc). Both draw good numbers depending on the organizing body and are well received by the majority of anglers as the bread and butter events they typically fish.

Pro-Am’s - Good stage to showcase top level anglers while giving newbys the opportunity to learn and get their feet wet into tournaments.

Angler / Co-Angler - CBAF & OBF Qualifiers from what I’ve heard are both very well run and highly participated. But yet I keep getting told that this format won’t fly in Ontario? Unless I am mistaken I don’t think that anyone outside of these grassroots Federations has attempted it so there is really is very little backing to say that it won’t work.

Lots of room to play around with these events also, you can make it a top level prestigious event like the Kingston Open, or you can make them inexpensive localized Divisional Qualifiers towards a Regional or National Championship similar to the BFL - Regional - All American - FLW CUP hierarchy.

Like I said I think there’s room for all 3 format’s, it’s just a matter of to what end or extent? That’s up to the organizers though. We can suggest, but they are the ones who have to make the decisions on this, a task that I don’t at all envy!