I fished the Kingston open as an AM its first two years, (2010 and 2011) and I was very fortunate to draw some incredible anglers, John Whyte and Andrew Shufelt being a couple of them. Actually the day I was supposed to fish with Andrew, high winds and rough waters kicked in and the day was actually cancelled prior to launching. Andrew still wanting to fish, planned to head to another inland lake for the day, and invited me along. Something he didn't have to do...and something I was grateful for.
I truly enjoyed fishing the event both years and was fortunate enough to place high in the AM standings, and both years i walked away with some great prizes.
Unfortunately, while I would have loved to fish it again, ( every year), it is an expensive week when you add it all up. It also requires time away from work, and time away from the family.
Personally, if it were an event that happened every second or third year, I'd probably be in every time. But its tough to commit to it every year for the reasons mentioned above.
I most certainly plan on fishing it again at some point as I think its a fantastic event. I've learned more in those 6 days of fishing then I would have fishing an entire season on my own.