Matt Tooley and I joined renegade last year as rookies, so we can give a little insight to those who may be considering joining an idea of what it's like. Before last year we had (still do) have little tournament experience outside of some smaller open tournaments around the kingston area. By trade we are back water junk fisherman so everything was brand new to us but we wanted to learn and get better. We had no idea what to expect once we signed up but from day one everyone was very helpful. We had absolutely no knowledge of the bodies of water we fished last year so we signed up for the master development program to learn everything we could. Each seminar was based around a body of water that was scheduled for that year and basically they bring in guys who have years of experience on that body of water and they tell you what to look for, how to pre-fish, what baits work for them, how to fish them etc. basically what they have learned in their years on that lake and hand it over. We were also given mentors Robert and Chris who we could go to with any question or problem we were having. We would call them during a pre fish or before the tournament and they would make sure we were on the right track, and if we weren't they would tell us what we needed to be doing. Not once were we left to the wolves. I can honestly say I don't know of a series that could be any better at making sure people develop into better fisherman, and with all the help thats offered through the seminars and MDP it actually does give guys an opportunity to be competative.