Quote Originally Posted by AndySoan View Post
Congratulations Mike and Duane!!!! You should be proud....very impressive keeping those consistent weights coming in for 3 days.

Personally, we were out after Day 1 after a miserable weight but ironically I would love to go back next year and try again. We saw a lot of decent fish in practice but couldn't get them Day 1.

Anyways, I would love to see this happen again next year at Stoney. I thought it was great how the weights varied day to day and it seemed so long as you can get to Day 3 you may have a shot at it. Check out the Day 3 bag by Chris and Greg to finish second...barely!!! Must have been incredibly exciting and disappointing at the same time but talk about a fight to the end!!! Congrats to all who qualified and to those who did well and again congrats to Mike and Duane for a job very well done.

Would love to hear thoughts on going back to Stoney next year...I know I would like to try again.

I could not agree with you more... This is one of the reasons I both love and hate fishing Stoney. Stoney is one of those lakes that not one team has the upper hand, not like Rice, TriLakes, etc, where you have those select few that are constantly consistent. On those other lakes you basically know who you have to beat to cash a chq, but on Stoney its not the same story, you always have a chance to better your game day over day, your skills adapt to constant change of lake. To me thats great fishing, and from a Stoney Lake prospective its the most level playing field you could ever find to have a 3-day Classic.

I 2nd that request to have another classic on a challenging, ever changing lake such as Stoney.