Purchase any Lowrance HDS Touch Gen2 product and receive a FREE Premium 1 year subscription and a Go-Free WIFI-1 Module shipped to you for FREE. Valid until May 27/13
Purchase any Lowrance HDS Gen 2 (excludes Touch) or Elite-7 and a FREE Premium 1 year subscription plus Insight Planner Mapping Software. Valid until July 21/13
Purchase any Simrad NSS product bundle and receive a Go-Free WIFI-1 Module shipped to you for FREE. Valid until June 5/13
Purchase an Elite-4x or Elite-4x DSI and receive a $20 prepaid VISA card. Valid until June 5/13
Purchase an Elite-4 Base map and receive a $20 prepaid VISA card. Valid until June 5/13
With our NO TAX sale on select marine electronics which includes Lowrance and Simrad this is an awesome time to save some money and get some free stuff.
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