Hi all, having been on Renegade's Executive for many years. The endless work that these volunteers do to bring a trouble free event, each and every year is incredible. No renumeration for the Executive members, there are paid employees in Renegade they are the shore crew and the MC.
The background work is all done from October to May by the Executive members. Not to mention the Renegade Bass radio show which is now on your dial 1200, 12 months a year. Both hosts do not recieve a penny for all their hard work.
We are either fools or a dedicated bunch of anglers who want the best. I think the last part is the truth. As Matt has said above, Paul's own committment, dedication, sacifrice to this organization is way beyond the rest of us. Without him as Matt said Renegade would certainly not be Renegade.
He won't take any credit, he will only share the credit, for those of you that know Paul THATS PAUL !

Thanks to all involved with Renegade ( they know who they are) you make it a pleasure to be involved in Renegade tournaments. Glenn Merkley