Congratulations Mike and Duane!!!! You should be proud....very impressive keeping those consistent weights coming in for 3 days.

Personally, we were out after Day 1 after a miserable weight but ironically I would love to go back next year and try again. We saw a lot of decent fish in practice but couldn't get them Day 1.

Anyways, I would love to see this happen again next year at Stoney. I thought it was great how the weights varied day to day and it seemed so long as you can get to Day 3 you may have a shot at it. Check out the Day 3 bag by Chris and Greg to finish second...barely!!! Must have been incredibly exciting and disappointing at the same time but talk about a fight to the end!!! Congrats to all who qualified and to those who did well and again congrats to Mike and Duane for a job very well done.

Would love to hear thoughts on going back to Stoney next year...I know I would like to try again.